The Town of Qualicum Beach
Qualicum Beach is a quaint coastal community that offers natural recreation, a relaxed life-style, a temperate climate, and a supportive small-town community feel.
The Town of Qualicum Beach supplies water to approximately 4,000 water meters in the Town.
The water is pumped from 2 well fields within the town boundaries, the River well-field near Kinkade Rd and the Berwick well-field near Berwick Rd. and Rupert Rd.
The well water is disinfected using ultra-violet and a secondary chlorine application.
This links to the Town of Qualicum Beach’s water system website.
The site has information about water supply and distribution, treatment, sampling and testing etc.
River Well-Field
Berwick Well-Field
Alternative Options
To link to a presentation I made to Qualicum Beach Council, in 2012 proposing alternative options for future water sources from upland storage. Please click the drip to open the PDF
Waterfront improvement concepts
The groundwater recharge for the River well-field is primarily from the Little Qualicum River which is supplied from the Cameron River watershed, Cameron Lake and the Little Qualicum River watershed that include Whiskey and Kinkade Creeks.
The Berwick well field is located near the new fire hall next to the traffic circle on Memorial and has a major highway and intersection within the catchment area.
Problems that could occur with the supply source could include the risk of contamination in the watersheds or a highway spill leaching to the well field. The close proximity of the river well field to the Straits could cause salt water to intrude the well field area, particularly during drought conditions
The groundwater is pumped from the well fields to 1 of 3 reservoirs located on: Jones ST, Berwick, or Village Way. Gravity feeds the water into the distribution system.
Tree Management In Qualicum Beach
The issue of tree management has been discussed for many years in Qualicum Beach.
Click the drip for more information.