Hydrology & Water

Over the past 25 years, I have produced and presented a lot of information about water.
In October 2015 I launched a new website about Water, Hydrology and Climate in the Oceanside Area on the Central East Coast of Vancouver Island, BC Canada.

​To link directly to that website please click the drip or the URL link below

Where does your drinking water come from ?

Pure drinking water is a very important component of community health, understanding the source of the drinking water is fundamental to protecting the quality.  This short video presentation look at possible options and risks within drinking water sources.

The following links are to graphics of presentations I have produced:
Click to see more

Could Willful Blindness conceal drinking water contamination risks?

Local and regional hydro-logic cycles  

The fundamentals of a water supply source

This links to a presentation that identifies some othe issues and several options for drinking water supplies in the Oceanside area of Vancouver Island

A documentary video  Troubled Water 
by  Paul Manly shows a range of water supplies on Vancouver Island BC

The segment starting at about the 25 minute mark, shows the situation in part of the     Parksville - French Creek area.

This TED video The Danger of 'Willful Blindness'
and it explains how prevalent it is in society. 

Ignoring facts and information, passing the buck and turning a blind eye to important issue, is rampant in many levels of government, business and industry.  


Climate Change


River Estuaries in the Oceanside Area