Mechanical Equipment
The 'Levela' device levels and smooths out topsoil, gravel and rough land while separating larger rocks and debris. The Levela is designed to be pulled behind a tractor or skid-steer loader, a small version can be pulled manually or behind a willing horse. Two angled blades, the front blade cutting and the rear blade floating out material, are connected with a durable frame that can be built from steel, sturdy wood or plastic plank material with steel edges. Narrow steel runners under the blades keep the blades elevated about 2 centimeters above the ground level.
The action of the elevated blades allows fine material to pass and level out under the blades. Larger rocks, sticks, or wood will travel in front of the cutting blade and can be dragged to a pile or off-site.
The preference is to pull the Levela behind a three point hitch blade, with low pulling detachable chains, versions of this unit can be used very effectively in conjunction with a front end loader, excavator or other earth moving equipment.